We Care provides supports to all Northeastern faculty, advisors, administrators, and other NU Staff.

Who should I call if a student has a medical or mental health emergency, or reports substance abuse issues while in my class?
For all emergency issues where the safety of the student is at risk, immediately contact Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) at 617.373.3333 (emergency calls only, available 24/7).
For non-emergency medical, mental health, or substance abuse issues, contact University Health and Counseling Services (UHCS) at 617.373.2772 or uhcs@northeastern.edu.
For substance abuse issues, you can also contact the Office of Prevention and Education at Northeastern (OPEN).
What should be done if I’ve discovered my student has been the victim of a sexual or physical assault, or if they have just witnessed an assault or robbery?
For physical assault or witness of a crime Immediately contact Northeastern University Police (NUPD) at 617.373.3333. They are available 24/7.
It has come to my attention that a student is contemplating suicide. What should I do?
This is an emergency situation. Immediately contact Northeastern University Police (NUPD) at 617.373.3333. They’re available 24/7.
How do I know if my student is experiencing a mental or behavioral health concern?
Faculty and staff are encouraged to review the information located here to help determine the next best steps for referring their student. You may also contact University Health and Counseling Services at 617.373.2772 or uhcs@northeastern.edu or We Care at 617.373.7591 or wecare@northeastern.edu to consult on the specifics of your situation.
I think my student may have a substance abuse issue. Should I contact someone?
The Office of Prevention and Education at Northeastern (OPEN) provides education, consultation, and programming on topics related to alcohol and other drugs. Additionally, University Health and Counseling Services (UHCS) offers counseling, information, and support services for students who may have a substance abuse issue.
In emergency situations, or when the immediate personal safety of a student is in question, always call NUPD first at 617.373.3333 (emergency calls only, available 24/7).
A student I know seems to be facing challenges in their university life. Who should I contact?
Faculty and staff are encouraged to contact We Care whenever they have a concern about a student’s academic, social, or emotional well-being. This may come to your attention because the student has indicated that something has happened in their life, or you may suspect a problem due to their behavior. We Care can take a broad look at available resources across campus, assess the student’s overall needs, and coordinate appropriate referrals.
What should I do if my student is disruptive in class and my attempts to deal with this have been unsuccessful?
You should first speak with your department head and/or supervisor to discuss the issue(s) and next step(s). We Care may be consulted after this conversation, if needed.
I’m having difficulty speaking to one of my students about concerns I have. Is there someone who can step in to help?
You should first speak with your department head and/or supervisor to discuss the issues(s) and next step(s). We Care may be consulted after this conversation, if needed.
A student in my class has missed an exam due to an injury or some other problem. Am I allowed to give them a make-up date?
This is handled at the discretion of the professor. Additionally, you should discuss that matter with your department head and/or supervisor.
One of my students has been missing multiple classes, and they’re falling behind the rest of the class. Is there someone who can help them?
Please submit a Progress Report immediately. This will alert the academic advisor to the issue and that person can assist in next steps (which may involve We Care).
What do I do if a student gets sick and requests flexibility with an assignment or attendance?
It is at your discretion as professor of the course, how much flexibility, if any, you would like to provide the student. We Care does not provide sick notes nor does any other university office. The expectation of all students when health concerns arise, as outlined in the university catalogue, is below.
Notification to Instructor
Students should email their professor in advance of the need to be out of class. The email should include: class name and section number, date of missed class, plan to make up work and expected duration of the absence. If you are unable to determine how long you will need to be out, regular notification should be sent to the instructor. If you are out of class for an extended period of time, you must inform your academic advisor by letter, email, or telephone.
See more recommendations on University Health and Counseling Services’ website here.
What do I do if a student requests flexibility with an assignment or attendance for reasons other than illness?
It is at your discretion as professor of the course, how much flexibility, if any, you would like to provide the student. Please follow the policies outlined in your syllabus for absences.
In most cases, if students need flexibility and can notify their professors themselves, we ask that they do so. We Care does not verify student circumstances (we don’t ask for documentation or proof).
In cases where initially, the student may not be capable of reaching out due to the circumstances involved, We Care might get involved and reach out to you first.
If at any time you have questions or would like to consult about the situation, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We want to partner with instructors to best support all involved.
How can I support a student who discloses that they are experiencing a pregnancy-related condition?
Click here to read the University Health and Counseling site about pregnancy.
The Office of University Equity and Compliance (OUEC) also provides guidance for faculty and staff in supporting students with a pregnancy- related condition. For more visit here.
I don’t see the student’s issue listed here. Who should I contact?
If the student has a challenge with an issue not mentioned, please contact We Care at 617.373.7591 or wecare@northeastern.edu. We can connect them to the right resource for assistance.